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Lower Back pain | Causes | Yoga for back pain |

Reasons for back pain:-

Many factors can contribute to lower back pain, with one of the most common problem is poor posture. Some people get used to sitting or standing in the wrong way, and over time it starts causing pain in their back.

Understanding the causes of lower back pain will help you avoid it and lead a healthier and more active lifestyle.

When someone first starts having back pain, they can quickly fix it by improving their posture. However, if you don't correct your posture, your joints will eventually begin to deteriorate over time. Studies have shown that over the long term, aging of the joints in your back can be as extreme as the effects of a back injuryPeople who remain in poor posture will eventually feel the effects of aging. Their poor joints will force them to bend, and their mobility will be significantly reduced. With rising healthcare costs, fixing such problems would be costly, if even possible, to fix them. Isn't it better to improve your posture when you still have the chance?

Most of the deformities seen in the elderly are the result of poor posture. Often other parts of the body are affected, such as the lungs, which will not be able to take in the proper amount of oxygen due to the bending of the upper part of the body. This can eventually cause problems with your abdomen and other organs. While many people consider weak back joints to be a normal part of aging, by taking a few simple steps, people can avoid back problems in the long term. People can avoid back pain by standing and bending backward at least once a day.

Doing this simple routine daily can keep you from getting worse as you get older. Walking or running can help people find relief from their low back pain. Because most people take drive to their office, they have less time to run or walk. Exercise is an integral part of keeping your back and the rest of your body healthy.

Also check - 15 Benefits of Walking

Back pain is something that millions of people suffer from, and there is no reason to continue. Many of these problems can be avoided by exercising and sitting correctly. Once out of control, the problem will become costly to treat. It is much less expensive just to practice good posture and exercise regularly.

Sitting in the wrong posture is one of the significant cause of back pain. Once you start having problems with your lower back, sitting incorrectly will only aggravate the situation. It is also important to stand and lie down properly. You may find that you have pain in your lower back only at certain times, such as when you sleep or stand for long periods. If so, it can quickly correct by practicing good posture.

The Right Poses of Yoga for lower Back Pain

Yoga may be one of the most effective exercises for lower back pain relief, studies have shown. Leslie Lobeau, a Health reporter, says that sometimes twisting your body too awkwardly can lead to lower back pain. However, as practice of yoga for lower back pain can reduce severe back problems, it's equally helpful to know how long, how long to offset the poses, and how to perform them. , other factors should be taken into account.

Before using it as therapeutic relief from back pain, I'd like to see a reader go by and say, "Please wait a minute... if I'm going to go through all that, maybe I should take some painkillers and call it a day." If this applies, it is hardly my intention to turn you away from yoga. The lower back pain I'd recommend adopting its use as an alternative to medications prescribed or otherwise for your problems. However, for your success with its use, learn more about the proper poses to use for back pain. A little awareness is needed in this medicine and will be helpful for the sustainable use of this drug-free alternative. I will bring common, simple, yet very effective yoga poses for back pain and also give you instructions on proper poses to offset spinal motion when applied. I will also discuss the factors for the length of time required while performing these poses. While some of these mudras are best learned under the supervision of a certified yoga instructor or an enthusiastic expert—and if not understood, it is necessary to use image searches on related yoga sites and search engines. - I believe you should be able to get an excellent concept to practice these poses, at least at home.

Here are some of the best yoga poses for back pain, and since the purpose here is to relieve back pain and exercise, you don't need to do them for more than 5-15 seconds, depending on your comfort level. Also, using a yoga mat or any other soft surface is highly recommended in the execution of these asanas.

• Sarvangasana/Shoulder-Stand: 

Sarvangasana is a famous panacea for any human disease and specially for lower back pain. Please do not panic; it is easy to understand and learn. However, depending on the gravity of your case, exercise discretion in its use. 

Medical Benefits of Sarvangasana

  • Stretches the shoulders and neck 
  • Tones and fortifies the butts and legs
  • Quiets cerebrum 
  • Mitigates pressure and despondency 
  • Improves assimilation 
  • Animates stomach organs 
  • Animates prostate and thyroid organs 
  • Valuable for patients of sinusitis and asthma 
  • Useful for those experiencing fruitlessness 
  • Eases manifestations of menopause 
  • The recovery and advancement of bones gets set up since the posture has an adjusting impact on parathyroid organs. 
  • The posture is additionally a decent solution for hemorrhoids as it is useful for butt-centric muscles. 
  • The neck adaptability increments since the nerves of the neck get tightened up. 
  • It is useful for avoidance and fix of varicose veins. 
  • Since it adjusts thyroid capacities it helps in normalizing the body weight. 

Steps to perform Sarvangasana

  1. Lay a thick blanket on the floor and place your yoga mat on it. Lie down on your back. 
  2. Slowly raise the legs. Raise torso, hips, and legs to a vertical position. Keep the elbows firmly on the floor and support the back with both hands. - Raise the legs until they are vertical. 
  3. Press the chin to the chest. - While doing this mudra, back of the neck, head, and the shoulders should touch the floor.
  4. Do not let the body move. Now for the counterpose shoulder-stand, try incorporating the following:

• Setu Bandhasana/Bridge Pose:

Bridge Pose Yoga is also known as Setu Bandhasana, is an inverted again-bending asana in hatha yoga and current yoga as exercise. There are numerous advantages of Bridge pose we can communicate about.

Benefits of Setu Bandhasana/Bridge pose -

  • Setu Bandhasana yoga could be very useful for strengthening the back body,
  • This asana allows in stretching the the front frame- the thighs, hips, stomach, and chest.
  • It enables to bolster the returned frame- in particular the backbone, glutes, legs, and returned.
  • It facilitates to improve digestion and energizes the body.
  •  It builds the core and decrease body electricity.
  • It stimulates the endocrine and worried systems.

Steps to perform Setu Bandhasana/Bridge pose -

  1. Begin this asana through mendacity in your returned, maintaining your each knees bent, and preserving your toes hip-width apart flat at the floor.
  2. You could vicinity your arms alongside the frame along with your fingers facing down. The fingertips can be almost touching the heels presently.
  3. Next, at the same time as you lightly press the feet into the ground, gradually inhale an raise your hips simultaneously, shifting the spine off the ground.
  4. Don't forget to keep squeezing the knees collectively to preserve them hip-extensive apart.
  5. Now, slowly press down into your hands and shoulders to raise the chest. have interaction your legs and hips to raise as excessive as you can.
  6. Breathe and maintain for 4-eight breaths, then slowly exhale and roll the spine again to the floor to release.

• Matsyasana/Fish Pose: 

Benefits of Matsyasana/Fish posture:

  • Stimulates the thyroid gland, and kidneys
  • Can aid in digestion by bringing more blood and therefore oxygen to the abdominal organs
  • Stimulates circulation and the breath.
  • Strengthens the arms, neck and shoulders and back muscles
  • Can be used to help with chronic migraine or headaches (do not practice if acute).

Steps to perform Matsyasana/Fish posture:

  1. Begin in Salamba Sarvangasana (Supported Shoulderstand) with both legs straight and the hands supporting the back.
  2. Exhaling bring the right ankle on the right thigh, and the left ankle to the right thigh ( Take one hand away from the back to assist, if necessary)
  3. Inhale fully, then exhale flex the hips to bring the thigh bones parallel to the floor.
  4. Take your hands to your knees one at a time and push the arms straight. Create a stable posture by pressing your knees into your hands and your hands into your knees. while opening your shoulders to create the triangle base between your shoulders and head (if you feel pressure on the top of your neck tilt your head back a little) gaze is to the nose.
  5. Stay for five deep breaths
  6. To release bring the hands down to the floor palms facing down (using your arms as breaks) SLOWLY exhale and lower the spine down onto the floor. (if you don’t feel that you can lower down in a controlled manner like this you may keep your hands on your hips)
  7. Either continue to Matsyasana (Fish Posture) or release the legs.
  8. You can modify this posture leaving your hands to support the spine until you manage to get the balance right.

Caution, before doing these poses, We advice you to take the opinion from an expert.

 Also Check - All you need to know about Yoga


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